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Re: I am walking again !!!
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 03:52:54 GMT
971 times
In lugnet.people, Kevin Salm writes:
Back in November 2001 I posted a message here about my latest surgical
status and recovery efforts following a severe motor vehicle collision.

Now I am happy to report that I have begun to walk again.  With some more
training and assistance by my physical therapists, I expect to be walking
normally without any devices by the end of February.
I have been getting around with the help of crutches or a wheelchair for
over a year and I will be happy to leave them behind.  Today was the first
time I attempted to walk without crutches and I did very well.  I still
have to be very careful and to progress slowly since my knee and ankle
are somewhat weak. My steps were far from normal today and I moved with
a very pronounced limp but I have every hope that I will regain a normal
gait very soon.

My accident occured in December 2000 but I did not publicly disclose any
details untill last November.  I am a rather private person by nature.
But the excitement I am feeling now was more than I keep to myself; as the
Lugnet community is a large part of who I am I felt I should share my joy
with all of you.

I would also like to thank everyone who has emailed me and shown concern
for me and my circumstances.  Thank You for the much needed support.

__Kevin Salm__

Congratulations on reaching this momentous milestone, Kevin. Many of us have
held you in our hearts and knew deep down that you would walk once again. Thanks
for proving that even though the body is fragile, the mind and the human spirit
are difficult to break. You will continue to succeed as long as you are willing
to try.

Thank you for your tale,

Message is in Reply To:
  I am walking again !!!
Back in November 2001 I posted a message here about my latest surgical status and recovery efforts following a severe motor vehicle collision. (URL) I am happy to report that I have begun to walk again. With some more training and assistance by my (...) (23 years ago, 1-Feb-02, to lugnet.people,, ! 

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