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    Re: Wings [was: Re: Building big] —Kenneth A. Drumm, Ph.D.
   Really? Ken always assumed he was overlooked because he didn't post much and his website was never updated because of other obligations. The few times he did post he got no response or bad responses according to _him_. I can kind of agree with him (...) (23 years ago, 24-Jun-01, to lugnet.people)
        Re: Wings [was: Re: Building big] —Larry Pieniazek
     (...) Oh please don't stop bothering! Sometimes it takes a little time to warm up but it's worth it. YOu might want to get your own email etc so you can get set up as a separate identity if you want to. All best wishes for Kenneth... ++Lar (23 years ago, 24-Jun-01, to lugnet.people)
         Re: Wings [was: Re: Building big] —Maggie Cambron
     (...) Larry's right-- I've been posting here for a couple of years now and sometimes I still feel the same way as Ken. And I lurked for a quite a while before that-- and then when I finally got up the nerve to try to post it took me a few months (...) (23 years ago, 24-Jun-01, to lugnet.people)
         Re: Wings [was: Re: Building big] —Richard Marchetti
     (...) I am just a little froggy guy with a VERY vicious streak, but... ...I read many, many posts and often visit many, many persons' sites. I certainly enjoy everyone's contributions -- some less, some more -- but I am always heartened to think (...) (23 years ago, 24-Jun-01, to lugnet.people)
        Re: Wings [was: Re: Building big] —Selçuk Göre
    (...) Please, Nicole and Ken, don't do that. Anybody here in Lugnet, except a very few, is overlooked in anyway. But be sure that there are many people reading and being helped by the messages here. This issue surfaces form time to time, actually, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to lugnet.people)
        Re: Wings [was: Re: Building big] —Shiri Dori
   (...) Yes, yes, please don't stop posting. I too recognize Ken's name and enjoy his posts. Replies generated are *such* a bad measure of lugnet "popularity" - I'm sure that if you counted how many posts go unreplied, you'd get anywhere between 50% (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to lugnet.people)

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