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  Re: BrickWorld 09
(...) Sorry, no. I hope to get there some day though; it looks like a blast! (16 years ago, 30-Apr-09, to
  BrickWorld 09
Are you making it to BrickWorld this year? Is anyone? (16 years ago, 30-Apr-09, to
  Brickworld - Thursday Workshops
(URL) Share - Learn - Explore - Discover The Brickworld Team is in full swing preparing for the event. We are thrilled to have 5 leaders lined up to head workshops on Thursday. The Thursday workshops are each 3 hours in length. There is a limit to (...) (16 years ago, 26-Apr-09, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.trains, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.people, FTX) ! 
  Brickworld - Mindstorms Competitions
(URL) Share - Learn - Explore - Discover The Brickworld Team is proud to announce the following Mindstorms competitions for this year’s event: Stock Sumo – Are you a Mindstorms expert? It doesn't matter for this competition. Come and see if you can (...) (16 years ago, 24-Apr-09, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.trains, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.people, FTX) ! 
  Brickworld - World of Lights Display
(URL) Share - Learn - Explore - Discover This year Brickworld will host a new collaboration. The idea was unveiled during the closing ceremony at Brickwrold 2008. The idea is simple. Illuminate your display/MOC. Use your imaginations. Use LEGO (...) (16 years ago, 5-Apr-09, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.trains, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.people, FTX) ! 
  Brickworld Event Schedule Outline
(URL) Share - Learn - Explore - Discover The Brickworld Team excited to announce the preliminary event schedule outline has been posted on the Brickworld web site at: (URL) You will notice that 3 of the 4 classes are set. As soon as the 4th class is (...) (16 years ago, 2-Apr-09, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.trains, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.people, FTX) ! 
  Contact info needed for Brickshelf user TSWONG
Hi, al... I'm looking for contact info for a brickshelf user with the ID tswong. Most of the projects in their gallery asre spaceships, but I have questions about the House they posted. Does anyone know this person? I don't see a way to contact them (...) (16 years ago, 19-Mar-09, to lugnet.people)
  Re: Brickworld - Build On The Spot Challenge
(...) I'd like to register a team. Steve Hassenplug (16 years ago, 16-Mar-09, to,, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.people)
  Brickworld - Build On The Spot Challenge
(URL) Share - Learn - Explore - Discover The Brickworld Team has arranged to create and execute a Build On-The-Spot (BOTS) challenge at this year's event. This challenge will be completed in addition to the regular Mindstorms displays and events. As (...) (16 years ago, 12-Mar-09, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.people, FTX) ! 
  Brickworld and Westin Strengthen Ties
(URL) Share - Learn - Explore - Discover The Brickworld Team is very excited to be strengthening our ties to the Westin North Shore Hotel. The staff of the Westin has been invaluable to making Brickworld the success that it is by providing a (...) (16 years ago, 4-Mar-09, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.trains, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.people, FTX) !! 
  Brickworld - Esther Walner Memorial
(URL) Share - Learn - Explore - Discover The Brickworld Team is sad to report the passing of Esther Walner. Esther served as Brickworld's newbie and FFOL coordinator. We send our deepest condolences to Esther's family. Esther's smile and enthusiasm (...) (16 years ago, 24-Feb-09, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.trains, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.people, FTX) !! 
  LSynth to the rescue? (was Re: Hello, world!)
(...) I think Azerey wants a tool to create edge lines that could be used for Pathtruder or similar. Up to now I have used inlined edge primitives, or strings of lines hand created with MLCad, but indeed a better tool would be great. I think LSynth (...) (16 years ago, 20-Jan-09, to lugnet.people.newbie, lugnet.cad)
  Re: Hello, world!
(...) Maybe you are looking for a tool that can follow an curvature and make quads and triangles for you? Then please have a look at the great tools that Philo have provided to us at: (URL) for your question I think about Pathtruder. I never have (...) (16 years ago, 19-Jan-09, to lugnet.people.newbie)
  Parts author question was Re: Hello, world!
(...) Welcome, Santeri. Always good to see more CADders here. --snip-- (...) To define a curve you'd have to have at least three points in space and four is more common. I'm not aware of any similar tools but I x-posted to .cad in case I'm wrong. (...) (16 years ago, 19-Jan-09, to lugnet.people.newbie, lugnet.cad)
  Hello, world!
Is this working? *tests microphone* Hmmm... seems to be. Ah, hello. My name is Santeri (as you might notice) and some of you might have seen me on the Parts Tracker already. I've been playing with LEGO things for longer than I can remember, even at (...) (16 years ago, 19-Jan-09, to lugnet.people.newbie)
  James Jessiman Memorial Award for 2008 awarded to Philippe (Philo) Hurbain
The SteerCo is pleased to announce that the James Jessiman Memorial Award (JJMA) for 2008 will be awarded to Philippe (Philo) Hurbain. As a prolific contributor to the LDraw Parts Library, Philo has contributed not only numerous parts but has also (...) (16 years ago, 12-Jan-09, to, lugnet.announce, lugnet.people) !! 
  Seasonal Community Spirit
Maybe the time of year has something to do with it, but I must confess to have been moved by the generosity of a few talented builders lately. Seperately, we’ve seen (URL) Eric Sophie>, (URL) Tim Gould> and (URL) Mark Neumann> sharing not only their (...) (16 years ago, 16-Dec-08, to lugnet.general, lugnet.inst, lugnet.people, lugnet.trains,, lugnet.cad, lugnet.western, FTX) !! 
  Call for event graphic submissions
BrickFest ’09 - Portland, OR - March 27-29th, 2009 The BrickFest ’09 team invites the creative designers and artists of the AFOL community to submit graphic ideas/artwork for the official BrickFest ‘09 event graphic. It will be used on items such (...) (16 years ago, 10-Dec-08, to, lugnet.announce,,,, lugnet.people, lugnet.general)  
  Re: Looking for Brickshelf member "shaggie"
(...) Full instructions available on my Brickshelf: (URL) (16 years ago, 4-Dec-08, to lugnet.people)
  Looking for E.J. Craig (from Central California)
Hi all, I am looking for the E-mail adress of E.J. Craig (from Central California). He commented on my MOC of Deep Space 9 on, but did not fill in his E-mail adress. If anyone knows him of if you are reading this E.J. Craig, please (...) (16 years ago, 4-Dec-08, to lugnet.people)

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