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 Parts / *881 (-5)
  Re: Custom Parts printed via 3d printer
Here's an overview over my custom parts: (URL) For purchasing these parts follow this link: (URL) Take a look at some photos containing the customs: (URL) Woody64 (15 years ago, 27-Sep-09, to
  Buying parts
Hello, What is the best method to purchase alot of a particular element? Or for that matter a lot of bricks in general? Pick a brick? Bricklinks? Ebay? I general I find ebay purchases to contain many of the same bricks but very few of a particular (...) (15 years ago, 15-Aug-09, to
  Re: What's the story with all the recent mold changes?
The only one I have any info on is the (URL) cylinder>. Someone from LEGO (don't remember who) said that the (URL) previous version> was made up of pieces that were glued together inside. (This makes sense that it would have to be, otherwise how (...) (15 years ago, 20-Jul-09, to lugnet.general,,, FTX)
  1 x 1 tiles with numerals 0-9
Hi all, I am in need of a collection (probably 10 sets) of 1x1 tiles with the numerals 0 through 9 on them. Bricklink seems to show me that the numerals 1-4 exist but not the others. There seem to be some 2x2 tiles with all the digits available but (...) (16 years ago, 1-Apr-09, to
  New Flexible Track Pieces (was: Has anyone considered molding track ourselves?)
(...) Here is a further picture, showing 64 flexible track pieces in set 8867. The gaps between the two halves of each track piece are smaller than in the previous picture, and there are fewer studs for attaching ballast: (URL) To ballast it means (...) (16 years ago, 13-Mar-09, to lugnet.trains,,, lugnet.announce, FTX)

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