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 Organizations / United States / SMART / 269
    Re: Robothon 2004 this weekend —David Schilling
   (...) Today we had our first day at Robothon. Tons of robots of all shapes and sizes! SMART's display was always busy with people watching the fascinating and dynamic dance of a new mini crate contraption. At least four SMART members brought other (...) (20 years ago, 26-Sep-04, to
        Re: Robothon 2004 —David Schilling
   In the "Better late than never" department, here are pictures from the second day of SMART's mini-crate contraption at Robothon 2004. (URL) display was VERY popular! We had several thousand people come by to take a look at our display during the two (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to
        Re: Robothon 2004 —Steve Hassenplug
   (...) ... (...) I'm looking forward to the video. From what I can see, the whole layout is on a white 4x8 board, right? Two stationary "Ball Lifting" robots, and two moble "transport" robots. One question. Does this robot: (URL) the "dump truck" by (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to
        Re: Robothon 2004 —David Schilling
   (...) Me too! ;-) (...) Actually we used one of the 3x7 melamine boards from Home Depot. These are easier to transport in a car, they have a pretty good surface for line tracking, and they are quite inexpensive. Using only one, however, was very (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to
        Re: Robothon 2004 —David Schilling
   (...) Wait no more! Well, except for the downloads! :-) (URL) has a discription of the Robothon 2004 Crate Contraption setup and links to various video clips. I put up a bunch of different overviews, but essentially they all show the same thing, (...) (20 years ago, 16-Oct-04, to
        Re: Robothon 2004 —Brian B. Alano
   (...) Some of the video links are broken, but you can still see the videos at (URL) (20 years ago, 16-Oct-04, to
        Re: Robothon 2004 —David Schilling
   (...) Oops. Should be fixed now. -- David Schilling (20 years ago, 16-Oct-04, to

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