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 Organizations / United States / SMART / 269
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Re: Robothon 2004 this weekend
Sun, 26 Sep 2004 02:43:37 GMT
2342 times
In, David Schilling wrote:
Hopefully no one is expecting a SMART meeting this Saturday! I hope everyone
kept informed by reading the newsgroup and know that it was last Saturday
instead. The reason for the earlier time was that this weekend is Robothon, the
annual Seattle Robotics Society event.

We'll be there demonstrating LEGO Mindstorms robots. If you have a couple of
robots to show or demonstrate, please bring them! We have lots of room! And of
course everyone is welcome to come visit, watch, talk, hang out, etc.

Robothon is September 25th & 26th at the Center House in the Seattle Center.
Hours on both days are from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Find out more at

I look forward to seeing many of you this weekend!

  David Schilling

Today we had our first day at Robothon. Tons of robots of all shapes and sizes!
SMART's display was always busy with people watching the fascinating and dynamic
dance of a new mini crate contraption.

At least four SMART members brought other robots for display as well. Thanks!

After they're moderated, pictures of the crate contraption can be seen here:

You can see the display (and other robots) again Sunday from 10-5. Drop by and
say "Hi!"

  David Schilling

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Robothon 2004
In the "Better late than never" department, here are pictures from the second day of SMART's mini-crate contraption at Robothon 2004. (URL) display was VERY popular! We had several thousand people come by to take a look at our display during the two (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Robothon 2004 this weekend
Hopefully no one is expecting a SMART meeting this Saturday! I hope everyone kept informed by reading the newsgroup and know that it was last Saturday instead. The reason for the earlier time was that this weekend is Robothon, the annual Seattle (...) (20 years ago, 24-Sep-04, to

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