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 Organizations / SciBrick / 278
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Re: What is happening with SciBrick??
Tue, 1 Feb 2005 18:33:18 GMT
1783 times
I’m glad SciBrick is continuing existence, it’s always been a cool org from my point of view, and one that I’d like to become involved in at some point (when I have some actual, ya know, MOCs to show).


   From the description above, it sounds like SciBrick is trying to extend out to be more supportive of non-members who would like to do something locally; rather than try to recruit members and then put on shows or displays. Is that accurate? If so, it could be a good change, if done correctly.

Yes - thats the idea.

   Also, do you have a membership list, or is that in flux? Just curious. :)

We have a membership list, and it is also in flux. :o)

Right now we have a discussion list on yahoogroups, but given some problems with yahoogroups, I’m contemplating other options.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What is happening with SciBrick??
In, Leonard Hoffman wrote: snip (...) snip (...) Lenny, I'm glad SciBrick is continuing existence, it's always been a cool org from my point of view, and one that I'd like to become involved in at some point (when I have some (...) (20 years ago, 1-Feb-05, to, FTX)

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