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 Organizations / Canada / VLC / 303
    Re: Check out the NALUG layout at the Edmonton show —James Brown
   (...) Hey, cool. If you've got spare time when you're in town, let us know - we're always up to meeting new AFOL's. (...) Hmm... Well, labeling the bottom of baseplates was a Good Thing. Everyone got their own baseplates back with minimal confusion. (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to
        Re: Check out the NALUG layout at the Edmonton show —Steve Chapple
   In, James Brown writes: <snip> (...) Actually, that wasn't luck. I knew I'd need to do some improvising for monorail supports, (certainly didn't expect as much as there was though) so asked "Mr. Castle" to bring his grey (which (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to,

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