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Re: StrongBad made me laugh this week
Mon, 7 Jul 2003 19:20:12 GMT
530 times
it was cute..... I think since you took the time to post about it, it
was "built up" for me....

In other news. the world of Gord has nothing new since last time I
looked MONTHS ago.

In more other news (re the lego zoo event) .... I did not STOMP on any
little kids. Even that little runt Daniel who would only answer to the
moniker of "super daniel" and more importantly i did not STOMP on the
MOTHER of "super Daniel: who needed it even more.

geesh, if ya want a lesson on how to raise a child work in public with
kids and parents.


P.S. did Jake give the rest of you guys the secret S@H code for 94% off
all lego?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: StrongBad made me laugh this week
(...) Sorry for that. (...) Yeah, 'tis a sad day for us "Acts of Gord" fans... (...) So there was "Hey Mister..." quotes? Oh right, hardly any robots... (...) How's Abby? (...) Eh, coworkers are giving me their LEGO. Don't get much cheaper than that (...) (22 years ago, 7-Jul-03, to

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  StrongBad made me laugh this week
(URL) you think it's done, wait 15 seconds. As well, don't forget to move your mouse over some of the text--there are sometimes embedded links in the typing. Dave K (22 years ago, 7-Jul-03, to

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