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Re: OT --My first mpeg movie
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 02:20:46 GMT
1006 times
So awesome! What program are you using?! The numbers at the begining are

Wow, High praise.   I'm using the generic software that came with the
firewire card. its by adaptec. and its called MGI VideoWave 4.


editing, BUT I sure have a whole new respect for what Iain, has

Don't, Calum's the one who should be geting credit with regards to video
stuff, not me. I'm just a poser with a DV camera.

Ya, when Calum and I did the instal of the software he just dove in with
both feet.  he did a 3 shot clip and "produced" it in about 5 minutes.

Iain, when you do your lego videos, do you dump all the footage onto
your HD then pick and choose the edit. OR do you capture a lot of
different shots, THEN rearrange the shots to the final product???

I'm not sure what you mean - if you mean like, when I capture the footage
into the computer, do I do it all in one big clip or several little ones, it
depends. I used to nab each clip as a separate file, but that took forever,
and then Calum showed me how to do it so I capture all the video in one big
file, then slice that down into useable chunks.

OH!  I just nab each clip and put them in a temp area. then get them as
I need them.  For my next project I might just grab the whole thing.

Pretend this says something funny

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  Re: OT --My first mpeg movie
"Chris Magno" <> wrote in message (...) So awesome! What program are you using?! The numbers at the begining are awesome. (...) Don't, Calum's the one who should be geting credit with regards to (...) (23 years ago, 25-Apr-02, to

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