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Re: T3 stuff
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:46:56 GMT
550 times

Holy smokes, you don't go light on the offset technic beams, do you?
Just from the pictures I'm guessing 6 1x2 2-hole tech beams and a pair
of 1x1 tech beams.

Guess I'll have to open another couple o' technic shuttles ;)

I'll have a couple of these, so long as they don't dwarf my buildings.

Jeff E

Jeff Van Winden wrote:

Hi Guys,

I have uploaded an Image of a bus stop I created (i have 3 copies, thus far)
I thought it woud be intresting if there were bus stops all around the

Here is a link to the inage:

and the .Dat file is in this directory.

I have also created a 3D version of my round building at:

Now for other stuff, Calum, I have no problem with building a bridge or two,
I just need to know the length of it. as well as the width (if it needs to
handle both sets of rails)

Jeff VW
(who still needs to look for the 1 x 1 x 2 brick with door/shutter holder)

Message is in Reply To:
  T3 stuff
Hi Guys, I have uploaded an Image of a bus stop I created (i have 3 copies, thus far) I thought it woud be intresting if there were bus stops all around the modules... Here is a link to the inage: (URL) the .Dat file is in this directory. (URL) have (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jan-02, to

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