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Something someone mentioned a little bit ago...
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 16:28:07 GMT
604 times
With regards to an upcoming event--think it was Calum who mentioned that a long
time ago Chris and I were interested in a 'no holds barred' robot destructo

I was just thinking about it.  I'm still very much game.  If others are
interested, basically the competition is true battle 'bots, in which you build a
'bot to take out another 'bot in an fashion you can.

Unlike the television show, these 'bots would be 'true' robots--being controlled
by an RCX instead of RC.

Most people balked at this 'cause they didn't want to destroy an RCX.  I always
said that if you build a robot that leaves the RCX exposed enough to get
destroyed, eh, :)

If no one else is interested, I'd even go for a RC battle 'bot competition
again, just like Live 2, for the sheer fun of it.

IIRC, all those that entered Live 2 had a great time (except Wayne, who fried a
control unit...)

Just more ideas for the mix :)

Dave K

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Something someone mentioned a little bit ago...
(...) I'd like to do a Live3 one day...JohnG had also mentioned doing regular old car racing. As for no holds barred, sure yeah, with RC defintely, RCX'll be like the steamroller scene in Austin Powers: Slow and drawn out. Ultimately (...) (20 years ago, 27-Oct-04, to
  Re: Something someone mentioned a little bit ago...
OK, its time I added my thoughts. I'm all for a new blockstacking game. I think its just the right level of complex to bring many of the newbies to the next level. the only issue seems to be size and scoreing......... oh wait. wrong thread. Dave. (...) (20 years ago, 27-Oct-04, to

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