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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 12239
12238  |  12240
Re: Something someone mentioned a little bit ago...
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 17:31:22 GMT
733 times
Calum Tsang wrote:
One oddball idea I had for rtlToronto17 was to do Shirt Folders.  Everyone
seemed so intrigued with that shirt folding thing Derek brought up.  Make a
machine that will fold a t-shirt.  Japanese narration is optional.

No, David brought it up.  Although it may have started because I was
complaining about having to fold shirts.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Something someone mentioned a little bit ago...
(...) have i NOT from day one said Axle sorting OR paper folding... geesh, (20 years ago, 27-Oct-04, to

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  Re: Something someone mentioned a little bit ago...
(...) I'd like to do a Live3 one day...JohnG had also mentioned doing regular old car racing. As for no holds barred, sure yeah, with RC defintely, RCX'll be like the steamroller scene in Austin Powers: Slow and drawn out. Ultimately (...) (20 years ago, 27-Oct-04, to

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