In lugnet.org.ca.nalug, James Brown writes:
> Hmm. Setup/takedown isn't my big worry, actually. My concern is that
> we've only got 2 guys keeping an eye on things for a layout that's
> approximately the size of my house. I would really prefer something
> smaller, but if 20'x60' is what we've committed to, then I guess that's
> what we're working with. :/
With the much improved rope barrier and the huge play area to distract
grabbing/touching, not to mention the elongated "three-sided shape"
meaning we're mostly facing one direction, I think we should be OK.
Of course any AFOL from NALug and/or Calgary who wants to help
would be most welcome to do so. Hopefully we'll end up with a much
higher "staff turn-out" than we expected - just like at GETS.
> ...Just did some quick math, and if only 1 in 10 people there asks a
> single question, we're still fielding about a question a minute each.
Good point - how many hand-outs do you think we should make?
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Preparation for SuperTrain 2001
| (...) I also think we should put our time towards more buildings and worry less about function at this point. Function is cool & a bonus, but I'd rather have two static display pieces instead of 1 functional. (...) Hmm. Setup/takedown isn't my big (...) (24 years ago, 3-Jan-01, to lugnet.org.ca.nalug, lugnet.trains.org)
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