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Re: Cheap kits at TRU
Sun, 9 Jul 2000 23:02:48 GMT
886 times
"Mark Harrison" <> wrote in message
3409 had a recommended retail price of $59.95 inclusive of 22% wholesale • sales
tax. If you remove the 22% tax then add on the 10% tax, surely we can • expect a
10% reduction in price or at least that's what the ACCC is telling us to

  It doesn't quite work this way. This is the way that we did it at work,
which is (I think) the way it's meant to be done.

Say we buy a case of coke (390 ml bottles) for 18.50. This is 0.77 each.
This includes the 22% WST.

We sell these for 1.5, making a 0.73 gross profit.

We now go back to the case, and take off the 22% WST. Now, we buy the case
for 15.42 (taking off the gst that we pay for the case, as this is a tax
credit), making an item cost of 0.64.

We then add our profit margin back on (0.64 + 0.73). 1.37 is gst-free price.

Now add the gst. (1.37 + 10%) = 1.50

= same cost. Actually, the price of our coke dropped by 5c, but you get the
idea. Taking off the 22% WST, and adding on the 10% GST, doesn't necessarily
change the price. In general, the more expensive an item is, the greater the
difference in price, due to the profit margin on each item being a smaller
ratio of total price. For instance the 390ml bottles of coke dropped 5c
($1.5 to $1.45), but our 2l bottles of coke dropped 30c ($3.6 to $3.3.)

I hope this makes sense, and answers some of your questions.

David Drew.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Cheap kits at TRU
3409 had a recommended retail price of $59.95 inclusive of 22% wholesale sales tax. If you remove the 22% tax then add on the 10% tax, surely we can expect a 10% reduction in price or at least that's what the ACCC is telling us to expect. TLG must (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jul-00, to

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