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Re: Population Density & Mapping Application?
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:04:45 GMT
766 times
In, Mike Walsh wrote:
"Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote in message

[ ... snipped ... ]

Can you explain a bit more what you want to do? Mapping from addresses sounds
like a GIS application (GIS is what makes GPS work, among other things... it's
the data that the program uses when it shows you where on a map you are, instead
of just what your lat/long are, and the data that you search when you put an
address in to find out how to get there)

My mapping needs are "approximate", I don't need anything to any real level
of precision.  What I need to do is note that company XYZ has offices in San
Jose, Shanghai, and Bangalore and company ABC has offices in Boston, Austin,
San Jose, and Bangalore, etc.  I then need to look at the map visually so I
can see where our various customer population densities are.

Are you saying you have a DB with company addresses in it and you want that
displayed on a rendered map? or something else.

No, but I'd like to be able to capture information in a single tool so data
isn't scattered across multiple applications - I have that problem already.
It would be nice to visualize population density when looking at a map but
it isn't absolute requirement.

Offhand I would say one person to talk to would be Ken Koleda (MichLTC ILTCO
rep) as he works with GIS apps in his job, IIRC.




Most of my experience is with software from ESRI.  I have not used this specific
program from them, but I think it is probably a good fit based on what you've

I have not worked with this software in many years, but I think it's pretty

Both of these should export if not link directly to excel.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Population Density & Mapping Application?
"Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote in message [ ... snipped ... ] (...) sounds (...) it's (...) instead (...) an (...) My mapping needs are "approximate", I don't need anything to any real level of (...) (21 years ago, 18-Dec-03, to

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