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 Off-Topic / Geek / 391
    Re: GEEKS HELP! —Naji Norder
   (...) The hard drive is a little undersized. With Office2000 approaching 1.0 GB, I don't know if it would last that long. (Depends on what you would do with it.) Personally, I would buy a non-intel chip (and save a lot there) to splurge on a much, (...) (25 years ago, 12-Aug-99, to
        Re: GEEKS HELP! —Steve Bliss
     (...) On the plus side, hard drive space is one of the easier things to enhance. Get a second drive, set the M/S jumpers (on both drives, right?), and stick it into the system. Steve (25 years ago, 12-Aug-99, to
        Re: GEEKS HELP! —Mike Stanley
   (...) Oh, Office2k isn't that big, not unless you install every single little thing, including maybe a ton of clipart. I just did a reinstall of almost the full thing yesterday (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Frontpage) with all the templates, (...) (25 years ago, 12-Aug-99, to
        Re: GEEKS HELP! —Todd Lehman
   (...) All this time I thought Office2K was only 2KB, not 1GB. <wink> --Todd (25 years ago, 12-Aug-99, to

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