Re: Microsoft spreads Linux FUD
Mon, 19 Feb 2001 14:02:56 GMT
184 times
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In article <>, Erik Olson <> wrote:
> Microsoft Executive Says Linux Threatens Innovation
This article really kind of bothered me. Allchin's no idiot; you can't
get your PhD from Georgia Tech and be this boneheaded (Or maybe you can,
I am biased...). His arguments don't make sense in the context that
this article is presented.
On the other hand, it would be really easy to understand his arguments if
they were in the context of "Why isn't Windows Open Source"? Note that
none of his actual statements say that _other_ open source products
affect his, the article just tries to paint that picture.
This sort of article annoys me. Is Microsoft spreading FUD? Or is C-Net
spreading FUD? Is this the product of a corporate drone brainwashing,
or is this a Linux zealot who knows Open Source can Do No Wrong? These
days, it seems you get the FUD from both sides.
On the other hand, my favorite quote was the last one:
''We can build a better product than Linux,''
Then why haven't they?!
J.D. Forinash ,-. ( <
The more you learn, the better your luck gets. `-'
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Microsoft spreads Linux FUD
| Microsoft Executive Says Linux Threatens Innovation (URL)''Open source is an intellectual-property destroyer,'' [Microsoft's] Allchin said. ''I can't imagine (...) .... (...) (24 years ago, 18-Feb-01, to
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