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Is it perl or C? (was: Re: Programming Brain Teaser)
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 19:22:29 GMT
275 times
In, Richard Marchetti writes:
In, Richard Marchetti writes:
Having his supposed answer might help me to make it a more tightly worded
puzzle next time.

Yeah, and maybe I am going to have to kick this guy until he is dead.  His
solution was:

printf("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); // ;("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")ftnirp

Which I would like to point out doesn't print anything in the second instance
because it is commented out, of course.  So I don't know, I think there was
some poor wording/slippage in terms of what he specified as the rules and the
desired results of the puzzle vs. his actual solution.  I mean, who doesn't
know you can comment out anything you want to? Boring...

...Now if it actually printed something while violating the rules of syntax
and reserved words -- now that's a trick!


Here's one that's MUCH better-- 'course most of you may have seen this
already... someone made code equivalent to UNIX's wc command that can be
compiled and run the exact same in perl and C... this one was really clever:
(Grrr, it's gonna put in some newlines with the Lugnet web interface)

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define open(a,b) open(b,a)
#define $ARGV argv
#define $i i
#define x : /* aren't four #define way too much?
               unshift @ARGV, $_ = $ARGV[0]; "*/
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // "; {
  int m=1, i[14]; char * pp; int p=-1;
  int q, F=3; char * qq = "Hello\, world!\n";
      i[12]=537463307; i[13]=3085; //,; $_ = "" if(length!=2);
  if(m+-p?(argc>1&&!strcmp(argv[1],"-p"))?p+i? 1 : 1 x 0 x 0) {
    printf(qq/*\bThe Perl Journal\n/#*/
          ); exit(0); }
  qq="=;#"; argv[0][0]='\0'; memset(i,0,48);
  $i[10]=($i[11]=(q/*\b/&&scalar@ARGV))-1;#*/=0) + argc)-1;
    if($i[11]<2) { $i[10]=1; q/*/&&*F=*STDIN;#*/=F=0;
    } else { open(O_RDONLY, $ARGV[$i[11]-$i[10]]);//; *F=*O_RDONLY;
    while(read(F, $i, 1)>0) {
      ++$i[4]^(q=/*.=,$_=$i);#*/0); pp=i;
      $i[3]+=m=( *pp^0x0A)?/*\n=;#*/0:1; for(qq=&i[12];*qq;*pp^*qq++||(q=1));
      if(m=/*[  \n\f\r\xB]=#*/q
        ) { if($i[1]){$i[$i[1]]++; $i[1]=0; }} else { $i[1]=2;}
    printf("%7d %7d %7d %s\n",$i[3],$i[2],$i[4],$ARGV[$i[11]-$i[10]]);
  } while(--$i[10]);
  if($i[11]>2) { printf("%7d %7d %7d total\n",$i[7],$i[6],$i[8]); }


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Is it perl or C? (was: Re: Programming Brain Teaser)
When looking at this, I can't believe I actually wanted to learn how to program ^-^ I thought it was much more simple, like AppleScript or the POV-ray scene description language. --Tobias David Eaton wrote: <SNIP> (...) (24 years ago, 13-Sep-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Programming Brain Teaser
(...) Yeah, and maybe I am going to have to kick this guy until he is dead. His solution was: printf("abcdefghijkl...tuvwxyz"); // ;("abcdefghijklmnopq...yz")ftnirp Which I would like to point out doesn't print anything in the second instance (...) (24 years ago, 7-Sep-00, to

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