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 Off-Topic / Fun / 8469
    Leonids 2001.... Rain in Tulsa :-( —Jon Palmer
   Rain is slowing down but most of the state is covered with clouds. My girlfriend is in central OK and is gonna give me an update when she wakes up at 3:00. I read another update on sci.astro.amateur from oklahoma that said they saw a few. I'm gonna (...) (23 years ago, 18-Nov-01, to
        Re: Leonids 2001.... Rain in Tulsa :-( —Jon Palmer
   Me again. Clouds clouds clouds. I decided to go for a walk at about 3:30 to see if I could find some gaps in the cloud cover. Around 4:00 I got my first chance. Wow. I was looking through this tiny window to the sky and I saw 3 at the same time. (...) (23 years ago, 18-Nov-01, to
        Re: Leonids 2001.... Rain in Tulsa :-( —Maggie Cambron
   (...) I live in Northern California in the hills to the west of Interstate 80 between San Francisco and Sacramento. We saw several dozen even though it was partly cloudy here too and we didn't stay out that long. And although I'd heard on news (...) (23 years ago, 18-Nov-01, to
        Re: Leonids 2001.... Rain in Tulsa :-( —Melody Brown
   (...) Bah! I get up early and what do I see? Clouds! Rain and more clouds, but I must say that for his time of the early morning it is rather 'bright' out there, even with the thickly covered clouds. I don't many of us Aussies would be able to see (...) (23 years ago, 18-Nov-01, to
        Re: Leonids 2001.... Rain in Tulsa :-( —Adam Wood
   Here in Perth we also had clouds (as we did the last time the Leonids were supposed to be spectacular, back in '98), but fortunately the clouds were due to a lightning storm, which kind of made up for it. Some very cool lightning indeed. "Melody (...) (23 years ago, 19-Nov-01, to

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