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 Off-Topic / Fun / 6623
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
(...) I thought I was the only one! Well, you forgot one thing, pictures! I put up some photos on Brickshelf of the meeting I didn't have with Lego Direct this morning. (URL) attendance were: Ben Roller (me) Hershey our cat Darth Maul Minifig (not (...) (24 years ago, 11-Feb-01, to
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Thanks for the chuckle this morning. :^) ~Mark "Muffin Head" Sandlin (24 years ago, 11-Feb-01, to
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
(...) I'm sure you know what Mr Maul had, you just can't tell us. Santosh (24 years ago, 11-Feb-01, to
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
(...) Ya but saying he wasn't hungry gives plausible deniability later if it leaks out that food was actually eaten. ++Lar (24 years ago, 12-Feb-01, to
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
So is that like saying; you were at the Train summit, but you can't say what went on, because your role was inspector of venue wallpaper? To which extent you might have be able to tell us about the wallpaper if it weren't for the NDA, but as for (...) (24 years ago, 12-Feb-01, to
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
(...) I can neither confirm nor deny that there was any wallpaper present. However I CAN say no wallflowers were present, we all particiapted enthusiastically. No minifigs were harmed in the creation of this post. At least that's the story we're (...) (24 years ago, 12-Feb-01, to
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
(...) Aw, come on... not even a Timmy or a Jar Jar? Rule 5: No one is to hurt any Timmys or JarJars in any way. ... if there's anyone watching. Rule 6: There is NOOO...OOO Rule 6. ;^) ~Mark "Muffin Head" Sandlin (24 years ago, 12-Feb-01, to
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
(...) Wait, Jar Jar's a minifig? Never mind what I said, then. (...) Why am I getting this sense of Deja(r) vu about this topic? ++Lar (24 years ago, 12-Feb-01, to
  Re: This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.
(...) I don't think we'd ever find out either way. As long as those cronies at Lego Direct insist on hiding the evidence. Lar, are you sure there weren't any minifigs crouching behind any grassy knolls at the summit? What about the 1x1 tiles? did (...) (24 years ago, 12-Feb-01, to
  Re: Timmy (was:This is not a meeting with Lego Direct.)
Mark Sandlin <> wrote in message (...) the (...) OK. That's it. I've gone along with this Timmy / Jar Jar thing now, without knowing what the @#$% started it all in the first place! Can someone (...) (24 years ago, 13-Feb-01, to

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