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Re: location, location, location...
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 17:20:48 GMT
323 times
"Scott Thomas" <> wrote in message
My plan was to work for a year or so to earn a little cash for a rainy • day,
then go to the Air Force.  Hopefully, that's where my career in meteorlogy
will begin.  14 more years of school just doesn't sound fun to me. 8^)

I take it that now you're pretty close to finishing up high school?

Tim Courtney - - Centralized LDraw Resources - Zacktron Alliance

ICQ: 23951114
AIM: TimCourtne

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: location, location, location...
Yes, I'm a senior finally! \o/ I only go to school for two classes, one English IV and the other Co-op, (which means I do 90 minutes of work in English, then 30 minutes in Co-op rounding out the last hour of school with a little nap...:). Scott (...) (24 years ago, 19-Sep-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: location, location, location...
My plan was to work for a year or so to earn a little cash for a rainy day, then go to the Air Force. Hopefully, that's where my career in meteorlogy will begin. 14 more years of school just doesn't sound fun to me. 8^) Scott (...) (24 years ago, 18-Sep-00, to

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