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Re: Just bought a Sega Dreamcast for $109.97 includding shipping
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:23:29 GMT
255 times
On Wed, 15 Sep 1999 17:28:31 GMT, "Scott Smallbeck"
<> wrote:

Thanks for the info.  I did sign up for the $100 coupon, but they are sold
of the Dreamcast systems,  Arghh.

Well, I went ahead and ordered one.  I'm sure it's backordered, but as
long as it eventually gets here I don't care.

You could always use it for something else, though.  I had Rachael
sign up and I think we'll use her $100 for either more Dreamcast
accessories or various other computer things.  There's a Netgear print
server that looks really nice, and at half price, it's a steal.

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  Re: Just bought a Sega Dreamcast for $109.97 includding shipping
Thanks for the info. I did sign up for the $100 coupon, but they are sold of the Dreamcast systems, Arghh. Scott Smallbeck (25 years ago, 15-Sep-99, to

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