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Re: 12 Volt train motors and DCC
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 14:29:43 GMT
1089 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.trains, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:
In lugnet.trains, Jan-Albert van Ree writes:
In lugnet.trains, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:

Regards from the Bad Boy of Brunswick,


What did you do to earn THAT title? :D

I think I got this title from Larry P. In the past he used to sign his
messeges with '++Lar' (the '++' was meant as a sign for him as train expert
never being wrong.)

Oh, and on my list of reasons, I omitted
- egregiously fabricating past history
- spreading falsehoods about people's signatures

Ups... I have to say a 'Sorry, ++Lar!' at this point.

Obviously I remembered this wrong. I am quite sure I read about your plusses
as a kind of sign for you being an expert. But in fact that might have been
someone else joking?

because no such thing ever happened. The "++Lar" started because Todd used
to sign his posts "--Todd" and I thought it was more appropriate to prefix
increment (one's self) instead of prefix decrement, kind of a goof on Todd
as it were. It has nothing to do with any supposed/alleged infallability on
my part.
After april the first in 2000 Larry was forced to sign as '+Lar' or even • 'Lar'
for a short while... ;-)

yet another falsehood. Ben's really living up to his moniker now.

Again this might have been typed by someone else: but I remember vague it has
been mentioned in the april fools thread then.... My brain is to full with
Lego®-ideas - there is nearly no space left to have all ever written
lugnet.trains discussions memorized.

But while talking about my nickname do not forget to mention that I liked to
put bricks among them a young and healthy minifig soccer player into an

Kind Regards,


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 12 Volt train motors and DCC
(...) volunteer... right? (perhaps after a visit to the wine car???) (22 years ago, 3-Dec-02, to

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