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Re: Problems with Christianity and Darwinism
Sun, 21 Jan 2001 18:04:50 GMT
1802 times
In, Jon Kozan writes:
In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
In, Jon Kozan writes:
No, evolution didn't happen.

As Sherlock Holmes states - or is attributed to have said,
"After you eliminate the impossible whatever you are left with, however
improbable, must be the answer."

Sherlock is a fictional character, not a scientist (and I suppose I
shouldn't mention Piltdown Man and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the same
breath).  :-O

Way off topic here...
I suppose you thought that I believed the SH was real?  hardly - Piltdown
wasn't either... - But we all know that too.   But he was more of a pig than
SH :-)


If it's way off topicn then why do you bring it up?

You suppose incorrectly.  I was pointing out that you were using a fictional
character to attempt to make a scientific point - a character written by the
man who may (or maybe not, lotsa noise, little surety) have been behind the
Piltdown Hoax, the man who wrote "The Lost World", to make a point about
evolution.  I simply find it hugely ironic.  :-)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Problems with Christianity and Darwinism
(...) Ironic it may be... but what is fundamentally wrong with the statement? ... "After you eliminate the impossible whatever you are left with, however improbable, must be the answer." seems like a reasonable statement, whatever the source, (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jan-01, to
  Re: Problems with Christianity and Darwinism
(...) Ah - thanks for the clarification. Now I understand. I was quoting "Sherlock" only because Sir ACD via Sherlock made an appropriate statement and I gave him credit. That's all. -Jon (24 years ago, 22-Jan-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Problems with Christianity and Darwinism
(...) Way off topic here... I suppose you thought that I believed the SH was real? hardly - Piltdown wasn't either... - But we all know that too. But he was more of a pig than SH :-) -Jon (24 years ago, 21-Jan-01, to

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