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 Off-Topic / Debate / 8578
8577  |  8579
Re: Foundation of a republic (was Gun control)
Mon, 8 Jan 2001 16:38:24 GMT
381 times
In, Scott Arthur writes:

Really?  I'll have to make a note of your address in that case.  I'm
quibbling now, but even if you don't have the "absolute right" to take his
life, you do have the right to stop him by any means necessary given the
potential danger you and your family face because of his presence.

In the UK, the "potential danger" is almost nil. If I killed him in anything
other than strict self defense, I'd be off to jail.

  That's quite amazing to me.  Does he have to have a proverbial knife to
your throat/bat to your skull before you're able to act, or is there some
point at which his presence or actions are sufficient to infer forcible
self-defense as an appropriate response?

But [the injured burglar] certainly doesn't have a right to sue you (as he
is currently able to do in parts of my fine, litigious nation).

If he does not have the right to sue in the US... why/how does it happen?

  Suit for compensation and punitive damages is a legal recourse, but that
doesn't make it a right (but please please please let's not rehash that
debate again).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Foundation of a republic (was Gun control)
(...) In the UK, the "potential danger" is almost nil. If I killed him in anything other than strict self defense, I'd be of to jail. See: (URL) If that (...) If he does not have the right to sue in the US... why/how does it happen? Scott A (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jan-01, to

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