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 Off-Topic / Debate / 8238
8237  |  8239
Re: Nature of man (was Re: Problems with Christianity)
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:35:37 GMT
725 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:
Right, but Tom isn't just saying that God decides in advance which way we'll
turn out; Tom is asserting, I believe, that in order for the outcome of an
event to be known in advance with absolute certainty, that event must be
pre-set in some way, and therefore freewill is an illusion.  I'm not talking
about knowing a range of probable outcomes, but rather the unquestionable
certainty that God would have.  Again, I'm not saying that God is choosing my
future course for me, but in order for that future course to be absolutely
known now, it must already be set, so my free will is irrelevant.


Idunno, it's kinda comforting knowing your weird can't be avoided and all
there is is to grip your broadsword and have a cry of Valhalla on your lips.
Time is an illusion.

(been playing with Castles too much, methinks)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Nature of man (was Re: Problems with Christianity)
(...) Right, but Tom isn't just saying that God decides in advance which way we'll turn out; Tom is asserting, I believe, that in order for the outcome of an event to be known in advance with absolute certainty, that event must be pre-set in some (...) (24 years ago, 20-Dec-00, to

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