Re: Nature of man (was Re: Problems with Christianity)
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:35:37 GMT
725 times
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In, Dave Schuler writes:
> Right, but Tom isn't just saying that God decides in advance which way we'll
> turn out; Tom is asserting, I believe, that in order for the outcome of an
> event to be known in advance with absolute certainty, that event must be
> pre-set in some way, and therefore freewill is an illusion. I'm not talking
> about knowing a range of probable outcomes, but rather the unquestionable
> certainty that God would have. Again, I'm not saying that God is choosing my
> future course for me, but in order for that future course to be absolutely
> known now, it must already be set, so my free will is irrelevant.
> Dave!
Idunno, it's kinda comforting knowing your weird can't be avoided and all
there is is to grip your broadsword and have a cry of Valhalla on your lips.
Time is an illusion.
(been playing with Castles too much, methinks)
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