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 Off-Topic / Debate / 7968
  Re: Religion and Science
(...) You are mostly true here. Islam accepts Jesus (Isa) and Moses (Musa) as prophets of the god, just like many others (I think 24-25 of them are mentioned in Koran by name, including Adam/Adem Solomon/Süleyman, Simon/Ismail, Abraham/Ibrahim, (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to
  Re: Religion and Science
(...) Moses is Musa? That explains the name of the great king of Mali (Mansa Musa). Hadn't known about that connection before! Thanks too for the "whole universe" cite--that's a bit that I didn't know either. (An excellent way to anticipate (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to

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