Re: Abortion, consistent with the LP stance? (Re: From Harry Browne
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:26:58 GMT
803 times
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Tim Courtney wrote:
> In, Dave Schuler writes:
> > With all due respect to Kyle, whose credentials on the subject of sex's
> > "purpose" I have yet to read, this quote proposes a rather arbitrary view.
> > Who is Kyle to say what "sex is supposed to result" in? Sex is supposed to
> > result in sex, and pregnancy sometimes occurs as well.
> So you're stating that sex is an end to itself, and pregnancy is an
> occasional accident? So basically...we accidentally have a population of
> some 6 billion.
> I can't agree.
> Though sex has its own individual merits, the obvious natural purpose is
> reproduction to further the species (from whatever perspective of origins
> you carry).
How about thinking about how many child do you want for your entire
life, and just compare it with the number of times you supposed to make
sex with your partner..:-)
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