(Ten Commmandment discussion with School, etc.) Was: Re: Mormon bashing again
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 01:49:06 GMT
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I know this is downgrading to another debate, so I renamed it, and see
if we can clear this up. Anyway, if I remember my own school days, my
world history class was my first real experiences with this stuff. I
know I had some more earlier, but this is my recent memory. My 9th grade
world history teacher took a fair approach in my evaluation, he said,
how did the world began, he had religious views (Christianity & Judaism,
Muslim, others), and the Big Bang Theory, Evolution, and some other
theories. He didn't say one was better or not, just put them out. That
is a decent way to learn things, IMHO.
I am curious, though, in regards to the school debate, do you think the
schools today have an agenda in terms of teaching, in my view, the way
they want rather than a balanced approach? I am in strong support of
giving the parents the authority and choice to send the kids to
different schools through vouchers, competition, etc. I think the public
schools are becoming very biased, not teaching what in my estimation is
critical, and producing some really bad results.
If there is a voucher system, can the parents pick a religious school,
since they are paying for it, or not?
Some points to ponder,
Scott S.
P.S. To Bill, in regards to perception on Christians on Lugnet, I think
there is some misperceptions here, because I feel the same way.
Scott E. Sanburn->
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| | Re: Mormon bashing again
| (...) Besides, (...) I'm not splitting hairs. Words mean things, and I choose mine carefully. Most of the time - don't talk to my wife though. It is not a lack of candor, it has to do with being misrepresented and having words put in my mouth. I (...) (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to
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