Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 18:48:10 GMT
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes [and I re-arranged]:
> But is it a dichotomy or a trichotomy. (rational/irrational vs.
> rational/not rational/irrational)... I'd say the latter.
Ooh. It appears that my argument has no support for such a trichotomy. My
kneejerk reaction is that you're pointing out a flaw in my semantics rather
than my logic, but I'll haveta think about it first...
> BTW Subjectivity is not necessarily IRrational.
That one I realized. Subjectivity is the exercise of bias over evidence;
irrationality (or arrationality, whichever) is an absense of logic. Wait,
Okay, I see it now, thanks. For the purpose of semantics, from here on I'll
refer to irrationality as the application of perverse logic, while
arrationality is the absense of logic, and rationality is the application of
pure logic. Or, in shorter terms: anti-logic, non-logic, logic.
In which case, my original argument stands after tweaking the language. A
fully rational (logical) life is impossible; some element of arrationality
(non-logic) is necessary since we're only human. Irrationality (anti-logic),
then, is reserved for poets and politicians.
> As to where to start, again, I chicken out from a full derivation and
> point to Rand, who built a pretty good system starting from Aristotle's
> A is A.
Which book (assuming you're talking Ayn Rand)? _Atlas Shrugged_ and a couple
others were suggested to me previously, but they're freaking 1000's of pages
long, and I already have a hobby, a religion, *and* a job. I'm swamped. :-,
If I had to cut it down to one book for now, which one would you recommend?
- jsproat
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| (...) I'd still go with Shrugged. Go buy it and if you're really pressed for time, just read Galt's speech, which is only 100 pages or so (quite a bit much for a radio speech but what the heck...). It starts around page 700 or so IIRC (I'd go look (...) (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| Good point (...) But is it a dichotomy or a trichotomy. (rational/irrational vs. rational/not rational/irrational)... I'd say the latter. As I was alluding to in a different portion of the thread, I can have and enjoy emotions without letting them (...) (25 years ago, 12-Mar-00, to
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