Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 01:30:40 GMT
1813 times
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In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
> In, Bill Farkas writes:
> > In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > > Bill, you're falling into the trap of quoting from scripture as if it
> > > were authoritative again. It is to you, we grant that, but it's not
> > > authoritative to me.
> > It's not a "trap" for me. You're the one who seems to have a problem with it.
> > The fact that someone doesn't *want* to believe it doesn't diminish it's
> > authority. The bible IS my standard, your mind is yours. No offense but the
> > bible has been around a lot longer.
> Bill,
> Lemme give you a clue. You're wasting your energy arguing like this. Don't
> take it personally, I make these misteaks all the time, myself.
I have my reasons for my methods which are not obvious on the surface. I hinted
at them earlier. No more clues here.
> Here's some pointers:
> When you're discussing controversial topics such as religion, it's best to
> *mutually* establish a common middle ground from which you may build your
> case. Otherwise, you try to force the folks on the other end of the table to
> conform to your rules -- which of course they have no motivation to conform to
> -- at which point you come across sounding like a jerk.
> Additionally, avoid directly insulting those you are in a discussion with.
> Larry's remark was not meant as a personal jab. Your reaction, however,
> indicates that you took it personally (1). It's just a debate and there's no
> prize for winning; don't get emotional.
Honestly, I wasn't emotional at all. That's why I included the parenthetical
comment about not trying to be insulting. It was purely for the sake of
argument. Larry, if you read this, I was not insulting your intelligence,
you're obviously quite intelligent. As my wife will tell you, I never get
emotional, and certainly not about something someone has said. I don't connect
my opinions and my emotions.
> Thirdly, give examples. Tons of examples -- the more they're documented, the
> better. When they get shredded (they always get shredded; it's what they're
> for), it'll divert the teeth away from you. Thought experiments are good,
> too.
> Lastly (and especially if you consider the Real Good Stuff of the Bible to be
> the New Testament), the Earth Mother religion has been around as long as, if
> not longer than, the Bible has. By your argument, then, the Earth Mother
> religion has merit. (I ain't saying it does, I ain't saying it doesn't.)
> I'm sure there are more -- and better -- rules to follow, but these should
> give you a good start.
> Hmmm... Does anyone know the location of a good debate FAQ somewhere?
> Cheers,
> - jsproat
I appreciate the advice and the criticism. Thanx.
> 1. Fortunately, Larry is fairly thick-skinned when the topic of this brain's
> age comes up in conversation, but I don't look forward to the day when it'll
> eventually make him snap.
> --
> Jeremy H. Sproat <> ~~~
> Card-carrying member of the Star-Bellied Sneech Preservation Society
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| Typically, when a person says "don't take this personally" it means that there is indeed something there that might be taken personally, and when a person says "no offense" they are about to say something offensive. Sproat gave you some good advice. (...) (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| (...) Bill, Lemme give you a clue. You're wasting your energy arguing like this. Don't take it personally, I make these misteaks all the time, myself. Here's some pointers: When you're discussing controversial topics such as religion, it's best to (...) (25 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to
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