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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4580
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Re: Mormon bashing again
Sun, 5 Mar 2000 05:55:55 GMT
923 times

Bill Farkas wrote:

If people don't want to believe that's fine with Him, the commandments were
only for those who sought Him because they believed him to be the only true
God. Romans chapters 1, 2 says those who don't believe will be judged by how
they judged others - in other words, if someone did something to you and you
thought it was wrong but went on to do it to others, that is the measure you
will be judged by. We all have God's principles written in our hearts and know
right and wrong whether we admit it or not - no matter how hard we twist
reality to fit what suits us. Romans 2 says we are always trying to accuse or
excuse one another - unbelievers will be judged by their own hypocrisy.

Are you sure about this? Most christians assert I am doomed to enternal
damnation because I am aware of christanity but choose not to believe.
They say that no matter how righteous my life is, no matter that I never
lie, cheat, or steal, rejection of their god is it for me and others of
my ilk.

Larry Pieniazek - - Mercator, the e-business transformation company
fund Lugnet(tm): ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.

Note: this is a family forum!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) Meet some better christians. (mildly tongue in cheek) Most Christians I know would prefer it if you believe in their God (which ever version they ascribe to), and may well engage in passive conversion(1), but very few of them hold that being (...) (25 years ago, 5-Mar-00, to
  Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) I wasn't speaking to acceptability, my reference was to what would be the standard of judgement. It says that those who are not under the law (of Moses) will be judged without the law. They will be condemned all the same because without a way (...) (25 years ago, 5-Mar-00, to

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  Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) a) is pretty close. IMHO he's saying not to mix His service with the service of others. It assumes that the person who cares enough to find out what He expects is desirous to follow Him and should not divide their attention by seeking Him and (...) (25 years ago, 5-Mar-00, to

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