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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4457
4456  |  4458
Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 22:20:56 GMT
1286 times
In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
James Brown wrote:
It also talks about Cain, after being sent away for killing Abel, went to • the
land of Nod, where he married Lillith and lived among the people there. • Neat
trick, since this is while the human count is still 4.  (er...make that 3,
that being what got Cain into trouble)

Wasn't Lillith mentioned in some other religious text, perhaps Babylonian or
Phoenecian?  Evidently, Adam's first wife was Lillith, who left due to
interpersonal incompatabilities.

- jsproat

Jeremy H. Sproat <> ~~~
Card-carrying member of the Star-Bellied Sneech Preservation Society

YOu know, I don't like the idea of future generations getting their theology
from role playing games.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
(...) ...? Which role playing games? I'm sure the game company lawyers would *love* to argue that they had the idea first, but Lilith is a valid character from several ancient religious texts. I found the reference: Lilith is mentioned early on in (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
(...) Wasn't Lillith mentioned in some other religious text, perhaps Babylonian or Phoenecian? Evidently, Adam's first wife was Lillith, who left due to interpersonal incompatabilities. Cheers, - jsproat (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to

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