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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4022
    Re: Blair Witch Project - Thoughts? —Scott Edward Sanburn
   Adam, (...) Hmm... I know I do that from time to time as well, such as why did I just spend 300.00 on LEGO? :) I can tell it would affect some people though. (...) Well, I know I am usually on one side or the other (Usually on the right ;) ), and (...) (25 years ago, 27-Jan-00, to
        Re: Blair Witch Project - Thoughts? —Adam Yulish
     <snipped intro stuff> (...) I've found that content in dreams doesn't necessarily correlate with feeling. I've seen some "very bad" stuff, and have been unaffected by it, and I also once had a dream about smurfs that scared me senseless; I remember (...) (25 years ago, 29-Jan-00, to
         Re: Blair Witch Project - Thoughts? —John DiRienzo
     Adam Yulish wrote in message <>... (...) Sounds a lot like what I call life affirming versus non-life affirming, to an extent, so I can see where you are coming from, I think. (...) I am getting the impression that you say (...) (25 years ago, 30-Jan-00, to
         Re: Blair Witch Project - Thoughts? —Scott Edward Sanburn
      John DiRienzo wrote: < Snipped John and Adams Discussion of Blair Witch for clarity and length > (...) This is what my pastor is saying, and I tend to believe that myself. Since God (At least, in Christian and Jewish beliefs ) is without sin, any (...) (25 years ago, 31-Jan-00, to
         The Nature of Evil (Was Re: Blair Witch Project - Thoughts?) —Adam Yulish
     <snip> (...) By no means. There's a big difference in defensive vs. offensive (a false distinction) and reactive vs. proactive. Defense and offense are really the same thing; both are defined in terms of what provoked them. "Reactive" is exactly (...) (25 years ago, 31-Jan-00, to
        Re: Blair Witch Project - Thoughts? —Ben Roller
   (...) Did you also see 12 Heads In A Duffle Bag the same night? No wait, that's 8 heads, nevermind. ;) I saw that this movie was coming on TV the other night but missed it. Ben Roller (25 years ago, 29-Jan-00, to

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