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 Off-Topic / Debate / 3661
  Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
(...) If you don't look, you won't see them. I've seen homeless children _here_. In the Netherlands. Where there are charities _and_ government-sponsored institutions _galore_ to mtake care of them. Denying reality won't make it go away. Jasper (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to
  Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
(...) And your point is? I think you're just proving the contention that no system is perfect. I also have to say that the only "homeless" children I have ever seen in the US have been being served by homeless shelters. I have never seen a child (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to
  Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
(...) My point is that john is wrong, with corroborating evidence. (...) I spend a lot of time in areas the homeless are likely to hang out. It's called the inner city. Look at the statistics sometime - the US has a bigger problem, on average. (...) (25 years ago, 16-Jan-00, to

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