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Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 04:01:23 GMT
970 times
In, John DiRienzo writes:
  Hi Richard,

Hiya John,

  There is something you are missing that'll make sense of it all.  I'll
let you know, but read this first.  Frank's basic point about men being
life-affirming creatures, and how life would improve if only they lived
within a life-affirming system should have been a good start.

Only if it is true, and I've had some thoughts on this..

I have never
adhered to Libertarianism, although it is the closest set of political ideas
to my liking.  Also, I am not a Christian, but find a lot of good (sometimes
by reading between the lines) in the Bible.

An interesting point - both sources have at least a few bits that *everyone*
should be able to get something from.

Anyway, about what you wrote
below about Christians and evil and such.  I agree that men are inherently
or innately good.  Well, babies are... by the time they become men, its a
different story.

From an evolutionary point of view, babies are born selfish.. and it is up to
us to teach them the meaning of wrong and right, and later (hopefully much
later) the concepts of good and evil.

In AD&D terms, I submit that babies are born chaotic-neutral ;) (1)

Following on, to flourish in society, we have to change the chaotic to neutral
or lawful, but the moral alignment can be anywhere in evil-neutral-good.

In non-geek terms that is to say, we have to adhere to laws and conventions at
least partly to flourish in society, but our innate orientation can be

It's easy to confuse law-conforming with innate goodness, as it's usually only
in severe situations where the differences lie. (2)

Just like in those countries where law-abiding citizens walk past street

Just a thought!

(1) Depends whether you are talking about kobolds or humans though...
(2) Which is probably why D&D only had the 3 prong rating, whereas AD&D allowed
9, including rogues - those who were innately good but didn't always follow the
rules. (Chaotic-Good)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
Richard Franks wrote in message ... (...) It hasn't been proven, but hasn't seen its chance yet either. Larry made a very good point last night - Libertarianism is working, despite all the regulation in the world. It can/will work. (...) ideas (...) (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to

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  Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
Hi Richard, There is something you are missing that'll make sense of it all. I'll let you know, but read this first. Frank's basic point about men being life-affirming creatures, and how life would improve if only they lived within a life-affirming (...) (25 years ago, 11-Jan-00, to

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