Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 03:50:49 GMT
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Matthew Miller wrote in message ...
> John DiRienzo <> wrote:
> > were, before, either. The reason I've been so impolite in these past few
> > posts (moreso than is typical for my normally cynical self) is because every
> > post (from you and others) I read in this thread that was against what I
> > believe has been filled with sarcasm and ridicule. And, mostly you have
> Yes, I posted some things in a sarcastic tone. That doesn't mean I wasn't
> serious. But the fact that you weren't amused underlines the point that we
> disagree at an extremely basic level. So discussing the question of rights
> makes a lot of sense.
> If you want to allude to state-controlled totalitarian distopias, I probably
> will see the humor in it. Despite your label of "commie", I don't advocate a
> state-controlled society (which is what I take it you mean by that) and I
> don't think I've suggested that as a solution at all.
> But really: let's look at the basic issues of rights first, at the bare
> stand-alone level, and see where that gets us.
Thanks, we will. Good night.
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