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 Off-Topic / Debate / 3438
  Re: ("life affirming" == "no initiation of force") == "all rigihts are property rights"?
(...) Absolutely. What I disagree with is the libertarian view that their resolution is the only possible "right" one. As soon as resolution of conflicts comes into play, the possible solution to the problem ambiguate. In the case of an entire (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jan-00, to
  Re: ("life affirming" == "no initiation of force") == "all rigihts are property rights"?
(...) Yes, the social contract argument is one that's familiar to me and in fact has been advanced here in this very group before, although not very crisply, to my way of thinking. It was more along the lines of "my country, love it or leave it" (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jan-00, to
  Re: ("life affirming" == "no initiation of force") == "all rigihts are property rights"?
(...) We're not stuck on this planet. You can, with current technology, go to the moon/Mars and live there. It would merely cost immense amounts of money, but that's irrelevant. (...) Given that the notion of 'country' historically really rests on (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jan-00, to

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