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 Off-Topic / Debate / 3407
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Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
Sat, 8 Jan 2000 05:25:51 GMT
745 times
On Sat, 8 Jan 2000 04:21:34 GMT, "Richard Franks"
<> wrote:

An embarrassing spelling mistake? I also changed guff to stuff, which is a bit
more respectful :) I do want to learn more about Libertarian politics, as I'm
still at the stage where every new tidbit that I learn about it makes it seem
even more unworkable and optimistic..

You mean there's a next stage? I started out with thinking it sounded
better and better, than it slid into the phase you're describing.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
Jasper Janssen wrote in message <>... (...) bit (...) I'm (...) seem (...) Do you mean you back slid Jasper? You were catching on, then refused to accept anymore of it? Well, thats cool with me. At least you still debate (...) (25 years ago, 11-Jan-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Libertarian stuff (Was: Re: Art Debate Was: [Re: Swearing?])
(...) Maybe.. AFAIK Libertarian policy on education is to remove the burden of school taxes from those not responsible for the education of children. This would leave the education system with substantially less income, to supplement this, there (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jan-00, to

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