Re: Danish cartoons outrage some Moslem groups and nations
Fri, 10 Feb 2006 23:10:33 GMT
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In, Dave Schuler wrote:
In, John Neal wrote:
God is a higher power to whom we must account, and
not simply to ourselves. It is the only way we can hope to obtain humility.
Im not sure about that. If you get your butt seriously kicked by the
world-at-large (through a spectacular failure or an overwhelming loss or a
debilitating disease or whatever), then Id say that you can get a pretty
good grasp of what it means to be humbled.
Good point, and it highlites an omission I made. What I meant to say is that
accounting to God is our only hope of remaining humble throughout life. Yes,
life can get us down, but we are usually able to rise up and forget all that
those defining moments have taught us, and regress to our former selves.
Accounting to God forces us to constantly assess our thoughts and behaviors,
not only just once in a while when life gets rough. And it certainly can keep us
in check when we are on top of the world, for when life is good, that is the
time to ask, is life this good for my neighbor, and if not, isnt now the best
time to help?
Of course, some might argue that such misfortunes are Gods way of teaching
humility, but then were back to begging the question...
Not in a punitive way, but through the eyes of faith. The eyes of faith look
for the good in everything, and try and change the bad for good.
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