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 Off-Topic / Debate / 27608
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Re: Danish cartoons outrage some Moslem groups and nations
Thu, 9 Feb 2006 19:17:26 GMT
1931 times
In, John Neal wrote:
   In, Dave Schuler wrote:
   In, John Neal wrote:

   Though I hesitate to use the words “cute” and “Ann Coulter” in the same post, I simply don’t see the distinction between her call for poisoning to be different from the hypothetical that I mentioned. Sure, she can claim that she’s joking, but if her only defense is that Supreme Court Justices--unlike the President--aren’t protected against seemingly idle verbal threats, then that’s a pretty lame defense.

I don’t remember the exact quotation, but let’s be honest here. Scalia, to Coulter, is one of the “good guys”. I’m sure that if she had to pick a Justice to poison, he wouldn’t really be her first choice.

Actually, she talked about poisoning Justice John Paul Stevens, who is far to the Left of Scalia and Coulter.

   Here’s a different hypothetical: If Bill Maher had said on-air that Scalia should be poisoned, would the Conservative masses accept that he was joking?

Slightly different because Maher differs from Scalia politically, but in the end, yes.

Care to rework that, since it was Stevens instead of Scalia?

   Would they laugh?

No self-respecting Conservative laughs at Bill Maher’s jokes...;-)

Well, I’ll give you that one. I don’t think he’s all that funny, either. But neither is Coulter, for that matter.

   (do you know why you got booted, by the way? I haven’t checked my personal email since last night, so maybe you’ve already answered me there...)

No. I did inquire though. My money is on lack of expletives;-)

I posted a “what happened to him” message in-thread but got no reply...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Danish cartoons outrage some Moslem groups and nations
(...) Right (see, I told you:-) I was trying to find the actual column in which she says this but it was too old for my cursory search (pun intended--ALWAYS!). But from your link, she flat-out states, "That's just a joke, for you in the media." You (...) (19 years ago, 10-Feb-06, to, FTX)

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  Re: Danish cartoons outrage some Moslem groups and nations
(...) I don't remember the exact quotation, but let's be honest here. Scalia, to Coulter, is one of the "good guys". I'm sure that if she had to pick a Justice to poison, he wouldn't really be her first choice. (...) Slightly different because Maher (...) (19 years ago, 9-Feb-06, to, FTX)

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