Re: Santorum Fails In His Effort To Pervert The Constitution
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 04:39:32 GMT
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In, David Laswell wrote:
If a state declares it illegal, its illegal.
Unless the state declares something illegal that it is unconstitutional to so
declare. For example, if a particular state prevented the right of free assembly
or free association, that would be unconstitutional. The supremes might not rule
on it on the first try, until someone brought a properly construed test case
that they could not decide more narrowly, but lets not confuse defacto with
Wrong again. It is the judical branchs right and responsibility to strike
down any law which is unconstitutional.
Until such time as the Judiciary does strike it down,
Or a jury nullfies it.
you can be prosecuted
and sentanced under that law.
Defacto, yes. It still may be unconstitutional though.
Doesnt mean its necessarily constitutional or un, just that it may not yet
have been found so.
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