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 Off-Topic / Debate / 21480
    Re: More throwbacks to Hitler... —James Powell
   (...) It is apparent that you have never considered Victoria, BC. :) We rarely get snow, and you would only have to compete with ~5 of us lugnetters for the specials at TRU. James P (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to, FTX)
        Re: More throwbacks to Hitler... —Bruce Schlickbernd
   (...) I could have sworn that I wrote "winter" and not "snow". I could have sworn that I wrote it in CAPITALS and bold-faced it, too. It's snows every winter in Southern California, I assure you. :-) -->Bruce<-- (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to, FTX)
        Re: More throwbacks to Hitler... —James Powell
   (...) Any place you can golf all winter long doesn't have one. Now, if we were talking home, then yep, I can understand the reluctance. Even when there isn't 6' of snow in Jan, the -20C days are a tad chilly. But, the climate here is atually quite (...) (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to, FTX)

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