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 Off-Topic / Debate / 19885
19884  |  19886
Iraq contracts 'open to all' [?] [was Re: If I were a conspiracy nut...]
Wed, 26 Mar 2003 12:40:27 GMT
276 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, David Koudys writes:

In which, surprise surprise, Haliburton--Cheneys old company, gets the first

Are there any other possible explanations? Or is patronage for certain the
only reason this contract was awarded?

Patronage sucks, I always hate to see it.

But how many US companies are there (please excuse me if I leave out French,
German, Chinese and Russian ones for the moment, ok? We've had enough help
from Russian companies for a bit.) capable of the entire scope of this work?

We will see:
Iraq contracts 'open to all'
The United States has assured foreign companies that they will be allowed to
bid for contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq after the war is over.

There has been concern in Britain and elsewhere after only US companies were
allowed to bid for the first raft of contracts, worth nearly $1bn.

My understanding is that US companies must get offered *federally funded*
contracts before any better suited companies from overseas[?]; that is why the
contracts DK cites were restricted to US concerns.

But hey, it’s not my tax dollars. ;)

Free market rules!

Scott A

If there are only 3 or 4 (and I don't know if that's true, I haven't done
the research... perhaps you could since you seem to be making the
accusation) or only 1 or 2, is this an unexpected outcome?

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: If I were a conspiracy nut...
(...) Are there any other possible explanations? Or is patronage for certain the only reason this contract was awarded? Patronage sucks, I always hate to see it. But how many US companies are there (please excuse me if I leave out French, German, (...) (22 years ago, 25-Mar-03, to

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