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 Off-Topic / Debate / 18136
18135  |  18137
Re: Vote against/for...
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 05:30:49 GMT
859 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:
In, Mike Petrucelli writes:

-Mike Petrucelli
(who still can not figure out the idiotic revisionist policy of eliminating • all
references of the two towers in New York)

Are you referring to that stupid campaign to sue Peter Jackson for the name
of the second film in the LoTR trilogy?  If so, then I'm with you, in that I
can't figure it out, either.  It was really insensitive of Tolkien to name his
books after the landmark that would be destroyed five decades after his book
was written.  What was he thinking?

Or are you referring to another dumb revisionist plan?  (of which I'm sure
there are many...)


Actually I was referring to the removal of any reference of the World Trade
Center towers. I was particularly annoyed that the deleted scene of Spiderman
capturing a helicopter in a web between the the towers was not included on the
DVD. I still can not figure out why it was removed from the movie in the first
place. There are many more examples of this baffling policy all over the place.

-Mike Petrucelli

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Vote against/for...
(...) I thought that the appearences of the WTC in the Spider-man movie were for promotional purposes only and never intended for the final cut? As far as I know there were two promotional scenes, one was a poster of a larger than life spider (...) (22 years ago, 7-Nov-02, to
  Re: Vote against/for...
(...) Let's keep it in perspective; there has been no "removal of any reference" to the Towers. Last night on Spin City I saw a clear shot of them, and the syndicated Simpsons recently showed the episode in which the family treks to NYC and Homer (...) (22 years ago, 7-Nov-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Vote against/for...
(...) Are you referring to that stupid campaign to sue Peter Jackson for the name of the second film in the LoTR trilogy? If so, then I'm with you, in that I can't figure it out, either. It was really insensitive of Tolkien to name his books after (...) (22 years ago, 7-Nov-02, to

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