Re: Vote against/for...
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 05:30:49 GMT
859 times
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In, Dave Schuler writes:
> In, Mike Petrucelli writes:
> > -Mike Petrucelli
> > (who still can not figure out the idiotic revisionist policy of eliminating all
> > references of the two towers in New York)
> Are you referring to that stupid campaign to sue Peter Jackson for the name
> of the second film in the LoTR trilogy? If so, then I'm with you, in that I
> can't figure it out, either. It was really insensitive of Tolkien to name his
> books after the landmark that would be destroyed five decades after his book
> was written. What was he thinking?
> Or are you referring to another dumb revisionist plan? (of which I'm sure
> there are many...)
> Dave!
Actually I was referring to the removal of any reference of the World Trade
Center towers. I was particularly annoyed that the deleted scene of Spiderman
capturing a helicopter in a web between the the towers was not included on the
DVD. I still can not figure out why it was removed from the movie in the first
place. There are many more examples of this baffling policy all over the place.
-Mike Petrucelli
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Vote against/for...
| (...) I thought that the appearences of the WTC in the Spider-man movie were for promotional purposes only and never intended for the final cut? As far as I know there were two promotional scenes, one was a poster of a larger than life spider (...) (22 years ago, 7-Nov-02, to
|  | | Re: Vote against/for...
| (...) Let's keep it in perspective; there has been no "removal of any reference" to the Towers. Last night on Spin City I saw a clear shot of them, and the syndicated Simpsons recently showed the episode in which the family treks to NYC and Homer (...) (22 years ago, 7-Nov-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Vote against/for...
| (...) Are you referring to that stupid campaign to sue Peter Jackson for the name of the second film in the LoTR trilogy? If so, then I'm with you, in that I can't figure it out, either. It was really insensitive of Tolkien to name his books after (...) (22 years ago, 7-Nov-02, to
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