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 Off-Topic / Debate / 17157
  Re: slight
(...) Read "The Winter Solstice" by John Matthews. Christian and pagan traditions have merged, often to the displeasure of the Christian Powers That Were At The Time. Personally, I don't have a problem with it, but then my great-grandmother left out (...) (23 years ago, 13-Jul-02, to
  Re: slight
(...) Not only "celtics" have criptic-pagan traditions (if the term can be used). If you look at the way that catholic mediterranean cultures revere the many saints, you may find it as a late expression of roman polytheism... For instance, the (...) (23 years ago, 13-Jul-02, to
  Re: slight
(...) Absolutely to all that. I mention the the Celtic (Druidic) traditions because they are the ones that permeate the English speaking world. Praying to Saints for intervention is little removed from Roman ancestor worship that were elevated to (...) (23 years ago, 13-Jul-02, to
  Re: slight
(...) (Not only the English speaking world - the Atlantic Coast of mainland Europe still retains lots of celtic traditions, many of which later influenced local christian communities :-) (...) True indeed. In fact, I believe that the Papacy has in (...) (23 years ago, 13-Jul-02, to
  Re: slight
(...) They also mummify the pope. I'm not sure if this is a belief that he will come back in another life but it is clearly descendent from pharoh rituals. Unfortunatly the messed up the last one pretty bad ;-) cheers, Joseph (23 years ago, 13-Jul-02, to

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