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 Off-Topic / Debate / 15559
15558  |  15560
Re: An armed society...
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 19:39:52 GMT
1605 times
In, Richard Marchetti writes:
In, Dave Schuler writes:
Oh, wait... According to

I hope you realize that those facts can be taken apart just as easily as
abridged citations, right?  I am just not wasting my time picking apart the
wording and finding facts and figures to contradict yours -- I know they exist.

  My point is that it's one thing for an author (not you, but the guy who
put up that site) to cite an anecdotal and misrepresentational summary of a
ruling, and it's quite another to post a link to an entire argument and
highlight certain areas of it.  The way I did it, the entire article was
available for review; I recognize that you don't care to peruse it, but I'm
not placing upon you the requirement that you track down my cited article,
read it, and then assess my assessment of it.
  Further, you're certainly aware that I can equally readily claim that I
know facts exist to contradict your statements, but I don't care to find them.

So it's a good thing we need to protect ourselves from the
Guvmint--otherwise we wouldn't have any use for guns at all!

Y'know, characterizing this concern in that way is kinda low.  I suppose
"guvmint" is intended to be some sort of subliterate, well-accented voice.
Perhaps a redneck, or inbred bumpkin?

  At first I read that as "inbred pumpkin," which would really squash my
gourd.  However, I intended no more of a slur upon the readership than
"Dubya" or "Bubba" is really a slur upon either President; it's a
caricature, not a portrait.  However, if I have offended you by a poor
choice of word/dialect, I apologize.

Try again, I am a well educated latino...

  Wait, you're latino?  Why am I even talking with you?
  (Just kidding!)

Just be glad that you don't have ready examples of government abuse right in
your face.  I do think you'd sing a different tune then...

  Probably, but I guess our disagreement arises from the differing
probability that you and I perceive of the US Government becoming the
totalitarian machine that far-right and far-left paranoia often identify it
to have become long ago.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: An armed society...
(...) Actually, you would be missing the "duty" part of my argument in this little debate. But whatever... To fully understand the historical context of this debate, it is my opinion that those on the side of gun-control should read William (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jan-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: An armed society...
(...) abridged citations, right? I am just not wasting my time picking apart the wording and finding facts and figures to contradict yours -- I know they exist. We aren't going to settle this discussion in any way by arguing over statistics. BTW, (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jan-02, to

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