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 Off-Topic / Debate / 15545
15544  |  15546
Re: An armed society...
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 16:05:29 GMT
1428 times
In, Scott Arthur writes:
My point being that to consider it "a necessary evil and be done with it"
discounts the possibility of it ever changing, and that would be pretty
short-sighted, even for US citizens.

Head-on disagreement here.  I think it would be short-sighted for anyone not
bearing arms to think of themselves as being free.  It is said that "freemen
bear arms" because it is both a freedom and duty of one that wishes to
remain free.

What if a society is mature enough to decide that guns have no place in the
community? Is that society no longer "free"?

Scott A

Of course they're still free... until someone comes and takes that freedom
away.  Then those "free" people might wish they had the means to keep that

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: An armed society...
(...) Strange that you view that as an eventuality rather than a possibility. I prefer life in a society where we are able to take the decision to live largely without guns. Earlier, somebody said they needed a gun for protection from the big bad (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jan-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: An armed society...
(...) What if a society is mature enough to decide that guns have no place in the community? Is that society no longer "free"? Scott A (23 years ago, 23-Jan-02, to

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