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 Off-Topic / Debate / 14163
14162  |  14164
Re: I can't stand not to see my name in lights (was: Ok, show me where I have lied? Or apologise.)
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:08:14 GMT
889 times

*Sigh* Still no answer.

Take the hint.

noun [C]
a statement or action which expresses indirectly what a person thinks or
wants and which allows another person to take no notice of it without
causing offence

So what is being hinted at? Is he hinting he can't answer? Is he hinting he
is willing to sling mud, but is not willing to justify it in anyway? Are you
hinting you find his behaviour acceptable?

I cannot see how his behaviour is acceptable. I cannot see why he cannot
either back his view, or retract it. Perhaps it is a cultural thing, but the
truth is important to me and calling someone a liar is a serious allegation
– and one seldom used even with good cause. I view Larry’s temerity on this
utterly pusillanimous.

Scott A

BTW : I don’t get the subject line.

BTW : I don’t get the subject line.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I can't stand not to see my name in lights (was: Ok, show me where I have lied? Or apologise.)
(...) Maybe I should have said get a clue, but that seemed rude. He has hinted to you (by his silence) (end even directly stated it, for that matter) that he isn't going to be baited into further justifying his assertion that you're a liar. (...) (...) (23 years ago, 22-Oct-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  I can't stand not to see my name in lights (was: Ok, show me where I have lied? Or apologise.)
(...) Take the hint. Chris (23 years ago, 22-Oct-01, to

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